Statistical analysis

Increasing research has found the association between microbial dysbiosis and CRC. Basing on that, we will check for differences in microbial composition of control and CRC cases. We will also investigate statistical significance of differences if found any.

Association between host’s characteristics and CRC

We will now investigate for statistical differences among target classes in terms of patient demographics.

Age, BMI, and CRC

We start by investigating statistical significance of differences between age of control and CRC casese. For this test, we use Mann-Whitney test to investigate statistical significance of differences.

The below figures show that **there are statistical significant differences between control and CRC groups.


We found statistical differences in age of control and CRC group.

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from skbio.diversity import alpha
from statannot import add_stat_annotation

# functions to process the data and prepare in a format supporting phyloseq analysis
def get_sample_table(df):
    df = df[metadata_colnames]
    df = df.set_index('subjectID')
    return df

def get_otu_taxa_table(df):
    This function returns otu table that contains relative abundance of species 
    where columns are species and rows are cases.
        df (dataframe): Dataframe of realtive abundance and metadata
    df = df[bacteria_colnames + ['subjectID']]
    df.columns = ["OTU_{}".format(str(ind)) for ind, col in enumerate(bacteria_colnames)] + ['subjectID']
    df.index = df['subjectID']
    taxa_table = get_taxa_table(bacteria_colnames)
    return df, taxa_table

def get_taxa_table(list_of_otus):
    This function parse all present microbial species at different heirarchy levels, e.g., class, order, phylum.
    otu = 0
    mapping = {}
    taxa_cols = ['kingdom','phylum','class','order','family','genus','species']
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=taxa_cols)
    otu_mapping = {}
    otu_ids = []
    for ind, otu in enumerate(list_of_otus):
        tmp = {}
        for col in taxa_cols:
            tmp[col] = get_specific_label(otu, col)
        tmp_df = pd.DataFrame([tmp])
        df = pd.concat([df,tmp_df], ignore_index=[0])

        otu_id = "OTU_{}".format(str(ind))
        otu_mapping[otu] = otu_id

    df['OTU'] = ['OTU_{}'.format(str(ind)) for ind in df.index]
    df = df.set_index('OTU')
    return df

def get_specific_label(l, t):
    This function parse the taxonomic assignment lable and fetch the specified information (e.g., kingdom, family)

        l (str): string of taxonomy
        t (str): string specifying the requested information (e.g., kingdom, family, genus, etc.)

        str: requested heirarichal info 
    taxa_order = {'kingdom':0,'phylum':1,'class':2,'order':3,'family':4,'genus':5,'species':6}

        specific_label = l.split('|')[taxa_order[t]]

        return specific_label.strip().split('__')[1]
        return 'Unknown'

def get_otu_detail(taxa_table, otu_label, rank):
    return taxa_table[otu_label][rank]

def aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, taxa_rank):
    This function aggregates data based on specified 
    taxa rank (e.g., kingdom, class, order, phylum, genus, species).
    unique_values = (taxa_table[taxa_rank].unique())

    # mapping for otus to unique value of chosen taxa rank
    taxa_to_otu = {}

    # prepare the mapping
    for unique_value in unique_values:
        tdf = taxa_table.loc[taxa_table[taxa_rank] == unique_value, :]
        otus = tdf.index.to_list()   
        taxa_to_otu[unique_value.strip()] = otus
    # create a dictionary for formulating expressions
    taxa_to_exp = {}

    for key in taxa_to_otu.keys():
        taxa_to_exp[key] = '{} = 0.000001'.format(key)
        for otu in taxa_to_otu[key]:
            taxa_to_exp[key] += ' + ' + otu
            otu_table[otu] = pd.to_numeric(otu_table[otu], errors='coerce')

    agg_df = otu_table
    for key, expr in taxa_to_exp.items():
        agg_df[key] = 0
        agg_df = agg_df.eval(expr, engine='python')
    agg_df = agg_df[list(unique_values)]
    return agg_df   

def extend_with_alpha(df, metadata_features):
    This function extends the dataframe with alpha diversity measures.
        df: dataframe
        metadata_features: list of metadata feature names
        dataframe: extended dataframe with alpha diversity features
    diversity_measures = pd.DataFrame()

    alpha_diversity_metrics = [

    shannon_diversity = df.apply(lambda x: alpha.shannon(x), axis=1)
    chao1_diversity   = df.apply(lambda x: alpha.chao1(x), axis=1)
    simpson_diversity   = df.apply(lambda x: alpha.simpson(x), axis=1)
    simpson_e_diversity   = df.apply(lambda x: alpha.simpson_e(x), axis=1)
    fisher_diversity   = df.apply(lambda x: alpha.fisher_alpha(x), axis=1)
    berger_parker_diversity   = df.apply(lambda x: alpha.berger_parker_d(x), axis=1)

    diversity_measures['shannon'] = shannon_diversity
    diversity_measures['chao1'] = chao1_diversity
    diversity_measures['simpson'] = simpson_diversity
    diversity_measures['simpson_e'] = simpson_e_diversity
    diversity_measures['fisher_alpha'] = fisher_diversity
    diversity_measures['berger_parker'] = berger_parker_diversity
    X_alpha = diversity_measures.reset_index().drop(['subjectID'], axis=1)
    X_extended = pd.concat([metadata_features,X_alpha],axis=1)
    return X_extended

# convert data tables into otu and taxa table
otu_table, taxa_table = get_otu_taxa_table(zeller_db)

# aggregating data at higher levels
phylum_agg = aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, 'phylum')
genus_agg = aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, 'genus')
order_agg = aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, 'order')

color_palette = {'control':'green',

order = ['control', 'adenoma', 'CRC']
x = 'study_condition'

pairs = [

metadata = zeller_db[metadata_colnames]

# changing data type of age and BMI
metadata['age'] = pd.to_numeric(metadata.age, errors='coerce')
metadata['BMI'] = pd.to_numeric(metadata.BMI, errors='coerce')
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# plotting distribution

for ind, y in enumerate(['age','BMI']):
    ax = sns.boxplot(data=metadata, y=y,x=x, palette=color_palette, order= order)
    #annot = Annotator(ax, pairs=pairs, data=metadata, x=x, y=y, hue=x, hue_order=order, order=order)
    ax, test_results = add_stat_annotation(ax, box_pairs=pairs, data=metadata, x=x, y=y,
                                           hue_order=order, order=order,
                                           test='Mann-Whitney', text_format='star',comparisons_correction=None, 
                                           loc='inside', verbose=False)

(a) Age
(b) BMI
Figure 1: Age/BMI distribution

Gender and CRC

We now check the distribution of gender across different target groups (i.e., control, adenoma, CRC). We employ the Chi-squared test to investigate the statistical significance of differences in gender distribution across different groups.

Figure fig-stat-gender shows the frequency count of males/females across control, adenoma, and CRC groups. The differences were found to be statistically significant (p-value < .05).


We also found statistical differences in gender between control, adenoma and CRC group.

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from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

# Create a contingency table
contingency_table = pd.crosstab(metadata['gender'], metadata['study_condition'])

# Apply Fisher's Exact Test
chi2, p_value, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table)

# new figure

# plot frequency plot
sns.countplot(data=metadata, x='study_condition',hue='gender')

# add p-value
plt.text(0.5, 32, f'$X^2 test$ p-value: {p_value:.4f}', fontsize=12, color='blue')
Figure 2: Gender distribution

Association between host’s characteristics and species abundance

We will now explore for association between host’s characteristics (e.g., age, BMI) and species relative abundace. Figure fig-stat-corr below shows correlation between host’s characteristics and phylum level abundance data.

  • Firnicutes, Spirochaetes, and Verrucomicrobia phylum levels are negatively correlated with age. That means as a person gets older these three phylum levels tend to get decreased.

  • In case of BMI, Spirochaetes, Firnicutes, Deferribacteres, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria are found negatively correlated. That implies an increase in BMI (which could be taken as an indication of obesity) is associated with decrease in those phylums.

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# plotting distribution

def extend_abundance_metadata(df,meta):
    This function extends abundance data with metadata information.
        df (DataFrame): relative abundance data
        meta (DataFrame): host's characteristics
    return pd.concat([df,meta],axis=1)

# relative abundance aggregation at 
#family_abundance = aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, 'family')
genus_abundance = aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, 'genus')
phylum_abundance = aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, 'phylum')
metadata_ = metadata.set_index(metadata['subjectID'])

# plot age correlation plot
phylum_metadata = extend_abundance_metadata(phylum_abundance,metadata_[['age']])
phylum_corr = phylum_metadata.corr()
data_plot = phylum_corr['age'].drop('age')
bars = plt.barh(data_plot.index, data_plot, color=np.where(data_plot > 0, 'green', 'red'))

# plot bmi correlation plot
phylum_metadata = extend_abundance_metadata(phylum_abundance,metadata_[['BMI']])
phylum_corr = phylum_metadata.corr()
data_plot = phylum_corr['BMI'].drop('BMI')
bars = plt.barh(data_plot.index, data_plot, color=np.where(data_plot > 0, 'green', 'red'))
phylum_metadata_ = phylum_metadata.copy()
phylum_metadata_['study_condition'] = metadata_['study_condition'].apply(
    lambda x: 'malign' if x == 'CRC' else 'benign')

df = phylum_metadata_.melt(id_vars='study_condition',value_vars=phylum_agg.columns)
(a) Correlation between age and phylum level abundance
(b) Correlation between BMI and phylum level abundance
Figure 3: Correlation with phylum abundace

Figure fig-crc-phylum (c) below shows differences in microbial composition in terms of phylum level abundance among benign and malign tumors. We can notice three phylums differ among benign and malign tumor groups. Those phylums are Proteobacteria, Firnicutes, and Bacteroidetes.

We combined control with adenoma to create benign tumor class, and CRC class renamed as malign tumor.

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sns.boxplot(data=df, y='variable',x='value', order=list(data_plot.index)[::-1], hue='study_condition', palette={'benign':'green','malign':'red'})
Figure 4: CRC and phylum abundace

Exploring Barteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria for theis association with CRc

We go further checking whether these differences are statistically significant or not. We employ Mann-Whitney test which is a non-parametric test for checking significance of differences in values from two independent groups.

Figure fig-differ_phylum below shows distributions of abundance at phylum levels across benign and malign cases for all three selected phylumns. The differences were found to be statistically significant.

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color_palette = {'benign':'green','malign':'red'}

# selected phylums for statistical analysis
selected_phylums = ['Firmicutes','Proteobacteria','Bacteroidetes']

# extracting only selected phylum data
df_selected = df.loc[df['variable'].isin(selected_phylums),:]

# pairs for statistical test
pairs = [
    (('Firmicutes','benign'), ('Firmicutes','malign')),
    (('Proteobacteria','benign'), ('Proteobacteria','malign')),
    (('Bacteroidetes','benign'), ('Bacteroidetes','malign'))

# creating a new figure

# plotting boxplot
ax = sns.boxplot(data=df_selected, x='variable', y='value',hue='study_condition', palette=color_palette)

# adding statistical annotation from Mann-Whitney test
ax, test_results = add_stat_annotation(ax, box_pairs=pairs, data=df_selected, x='variable', y='value', 
                                       test='Mann-Whitney', text_format='star',comparisons_correction=None, 
                                       loc='inside', verbose=False)

Figure 5: Phylum differences among benign and malign cases

Lets go further and check which genus and species under these phylums are statistically different in terms of relative abundance among benign and malign tumors.

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taxa_selected = taxa_table.loc[taxa_table['phylum'].isin(selected_phylums),:]

# fetching species related to selected phylums
selected_species_cols = list(taxa_table['species'].unique())

# fetching genus related to selected phylums
selected_genus_cols = list(taxa_table['genus'].unique())

# fetching family related to selected phylums
selected_family_cols = list(taxa_table['family'].unique())

# fetching order related to selected phylums
selected_order_cols = list(taxa_table['order'].unique())

# fetching order related to selected phylums
selected_class_cols = list(taxa_table['class'].unique())
Show the code
from statannotations.Annotator import Annotator

def plot_selected_taxa(selected_taxa, plot_at,figsize=(7,15),log_scale=False,title=""):
        selected_taxa(str): taxa which are selected for further exploration
        taxa_abun_df (dataframe): relative abundance data at taxa
        plot_at (str): taxa at which distribution will be plotted for benign and malign tumors
    df_abundance = aggregate_by_taxonomy(otu_table, taxa_table, plot_at)
    metadata_ = metadata.set_index(metadata['subjectID'])

    taxa_abundance_selected = df_abundance[selected_taxa]

    taxa_abundance_selected['study_condition'] = metadata_['study_condition'].apply(
    lambda x: 'malign' if x == 'CRC' else 'benign')

    pairs = []
    for col in taxa_abundance_selected.columns:
        if col != 'study_condition':

    plot_df = taxa_abundance_selected.melt(id_vars='study_condition',value_vars=selected_taxa)
    ax = sns.boxplot(data=plot_df,x='variable',y='value',hue='study_condition', palette=color_palette)
    add_stat_annotation(ax, box_pairs=pairs, data=plot_df, x='variable', y='value', 
                                       test='Mann-Whitney', text_format='star',comparisons_correction=None, 
                                       loc='inside', verbose=False)  
    if log_scale:
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plot_selected_taxa(selected_family, plot_at='family', figsize=(50,5),title='families from selected phylums')

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plot_selected_taxa(selected_genus, plot_at='genus', figsize=(80,5),title='genus from selected phylums')